PRIX EUROPA – Our Mission

public service media - sharing our stories

PRIX EUROPA was founded by the European Parliament, the European Commission and the European Cultural Foundation in 1987. Today it has grown into a most influential pan- European broadcasting festival holding up broadcasting quality throughout a changing continent, whilst strengthening the fellowship of all Europeans and hearing a multiplicity of voices that reflect the diversity of Europe.

This week-long media competition and festival features and awards the best European audio-, video- and digital media productions with the aim of publicising them throughout Europe and supporting their continental distribution and use – to bring nations, societies, regions, citizens closer to each other. It has become a point of reference for young European media-makers and gathers about 1,000 participants from all over the continent in Berlin each year in October.
A unique system of open juries is at the core of the festival, enabling the makers of the nominated productions to come into the jury group of their respective genre and see / hear and talk about what is being produced by colleagues in other countries. This creates a unique week-long European forum, a place where media professionals can move out of the box, can network and enter into an exchange about their craft and the pressing themes of the year. This in turn impacts what viewers, listeners and users all over the continent think, and if and how they understand each other – in spite of and across all borders. 

We want to create conversations. We want to enable a fair discussion and find a common denominator between societies and countries that are drifting apart in disapproval and even hate. We want to be a dynamic, non-bureaucratic, easy-to-access platform of European exchange where a multitude of perspectives can be seen or heard.
And in an age of fake news and alternative facts we also want to fortify journalistic competence and credibility.
We need our media - audio, video, digital - at their best.
And we need cross-border conversations, now more than ever.

Europe urgently needs a growing lobby among the European peoples.

PRIX EUROPA is supported by a strong Alliance of European public broadcasters and has found its permanent home with the host Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg (rbb) in Berlin & Potsdam since 1997. Since 2017 PRIX EUROPA enjoys the Patronage of the European Parliament.